Friday, March 17, 2017

Dell + Amanda Tie the Knot! + 12 Things.

Here are some of my favorite images from Dell + Amanda's big day as well as 12 things I am thinking about currently + from that day.

12. It is worth it a hundred times over to get the blisters the size of Rhode Island running around in heels to get images like these.
11. These are some of my favorite images I have ever taken
10. Running a business like this can be rough.
9. My husband is the cutest
8. I am loving this new BBG workout program! 
7. Breakfast for dinner is my absolute favorite right now
6. I seriously love listening to Jim Dale read Harry Potter books 1-7
5. I can not wait for summer beach nights.
4. I can't wait for my hubby to have his saturdays back
3. our best friends come to town in 3 and half weeks!
2. amelia is the cutest. just sayin, bring on niece number 2!
1. My mom surprised me by buying tickets to visit in June. #cried