Sunday, February 1, 2015

super bowl (aka lots oh food)

^^^ GO HAWKS ^^^

I have always loved throwing parties ever since I was younger.
I love making y u m m y food that everyone will devour in ten seconds flat. 
Its pretty awesome. 
The fact that now I am practicing being a great wife and hostess ;]
I feel pretty great that my first party went pretty great. 
Plus I got some great help from my wonderful bridesmaid c o u r t.
we went to SAMs together to buy the heck out of that store.
wings, chips, queso, pizza, strawberries, oreos + duh my famous nachos of course.
lets just say we made a T O N of food.
and it was delicious.
course had to have da crewww.
we yelled and laughed at the T.V,
 especially when we thought MMA came on during the last 30 seconds of the game.
can't help but say I had a good time hosting a Super Bowl party with court tort for everyone:]

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